Valentines Day Celebrations For Singles!

Whether you're single, separated or divorced, Valentines Day can be a difficult day to survive.

But there IS a positive way that you can get through this and even, dare I say, enjoy it. So, here's a few suggestions for you to keep your chin up:-

Girls Night In

Invite a few of your friends round for a girls evening in.

Girls - enjoy a romantic, soppy movie together with a take away pizza and plenty of Ben & Jerry's ice cream.

Boys Night Out

Why not arrange for an active evening for a few mates?

Guys - why not book a slot at the bowling alley or go karting to let off some steam?!
Follow it up by eating out and enjoying pizza or a KFC.

Surprise Someone

Enjoy the secret delight of sending a small gift or surprise to someone.
With the success of the Secret Santa scheme over the past few Christmases - why not make this Valentines Day about giving, rather than getting?

How about paying for the guy in the queue behind you at the toll bridge, "dropping" a fiver and picking up to give to a stranger or any unexpected act of kindness. Just about everybody loved the film "Pay It Forward" - one of the things that made it's story so successful is that, for once, everybody is trying to find a way to surprise or bless someone else.

This Valentines Day, take the focus outside of yourself and you may be surprised how much you enjoy yourself!


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