3 Seldom Used Communication Tips You Can Master: Break Down Barriers Between You & Your Partner
According to Rob, (Director/Counsellor of The Centre for Life Management/LMC Relationship Centre, and Co-author of "Love by Design") says that the following is roughly how communication is divided. 10% of Communication is conducted through Words. 30% of Communication is conducted through Tone. 60% of Communication is conducted by Body Language. So what does this mean? We spend the majority of the time focusing on what people are directly saying, but we are missing 90% of what people are really saying. It is no wonder then, that above and beyond couples not having the same communication modes, or not having relationship skills, miscommunication can also be occurring because we are not focusing on the full picture. Indirect Communication is also an alternate form of communication, because a person needs to listen to what is being said underneath the words, and not take the words at face value only. Let's give some examples of the less well know forms of communication. BODY ...