Is Your Self-Talk Sabotaging Your Relationship And Your Peace?
Relationships are either getting better or they are getting worse. They are dynamic entities and do not remain the same. Therefore, if your relationship is not getting better, it is more than likely getting worse in some way. One of the critical issues that determines whether a relationship is getting better or worse is the focus of the people involved. Every relationship has some positive as well as negative stuff going on. You can choose to focus on the negatives or the positives. There are five ways in which we do this. 1. Our internal selftalk. 2. Our external behavior that focuses on what is working or not working. 3. Our expectations of the other person. 4. Our perceptual interpretations of the other person's behavior. 5. Our obsession with the other person's behavior. Let's look at the issue of self-talk. Selftalk is your unedited ongoing internal dialog that you have with yourself every waking minute of your life. Whether this selftalk continues d...